Description: The organic sunflower oil is produced from the seeds through the process of cold pressing, filtered and then subjected to the process of removing its odor (refining).
Special Features: Organic Deodorized Sunflower Oil is an almost colorless and odorless liquid. It is high in linoleic acid and very low in saturated fatty acids.
Application in cosmetics: Organic Sunflower Oil is a mild, light skin care oil that can be used in a variety of ways as a base oil. It has an anti-inflammatory and protective effect and is used in light skin creams, skin cleansers, bath and hair care products.
Food application: Organic Sunflower Oil is excellent for salads, raw vegetables, dips and dressings for cold and hot dishes. It is widely used for baking and frying as it has a particularly high oleic acid content and can be heated to high temperatures.